Friday, February 1, 2008

Mud, soft mud....

I love the rain!!!
It rained all night and morning and in the afternoon, after school, there was only one obvious thing to be done: go play in the mud (he!he!).
Eu adoro a chuva!!!
Choveu durante toda a noite e manha. A tarde, depois da escola, o que tinhamos que fazer era claro: ir brincar na lama (ahah!!).

The red mud brings me memories of my own childhood... step on it, collect it and mold it in whatever our imagination would lead us to.
Aquele barro encarnado faz-me lembrar tempos em que eu era crianca... iamos para o barro, escolhiamos, apanhavamos e moldavamos.

They jumped into every (muddy) puddle they found and I finally run to get the camera. They had fun (and I joined in too! so soft and squishy under my feet, wow!!!!).
Os miudos saltaram em todas as pocas (com ou sem lama) que encontraram. Finalmente fui a correr buscar a maquina fotografica para reter algumas imagens. Divertiram-se a valer (e eu juntei-me a eles! Tao mole e escorregadio debaixo dos pes, yupi!!!!!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Anna Clara,

Thank you for visiting our blog! I love your blog too. The design, the pictures.. your stories about your family. Right from your heart to our hearts! Well done!


Gisele Schoene said...

Parece-me que todos se divertiram muito! E ate' que nao se sujaram muito, porque diferente da Florida, o solo vermelho nao e' la muito facil de tirar da roupa (experiencia propria).

Carmen said...

It looks like everybody had a great time! I am glad you know how to make the best out of a rainy day :) This is perfect conditions for children is like playing in a pool of clay!