Thursday, October 8, 2009


It has been almost two months since school started. We all are getting settled in the new routine and all is going really well.
A escola ja comecou ha quase dois meses. A nossa nova rotina esta a ficar bem estabelecida e tudo esta a correr lindamente.

This was on the first day of school. My daughter was quite excited, it was a new school for her. My son was more like "OK, it's back to the old same thing, what's to be excited about????...." but he was very happy when he saw his buddies in his classroom and in fact he ended up realizing that it was not really like "the old same thing", not even for him...
No primeiro dia a minha filha estava mesmo entusiasmada, para ela era o comeco numa nova escola. O meu filho estava aparentemente indiferente "OK, estamos de volta a mesma coisa, qual a razao de tanto aparato?... mas ficou mesmo contente de ver que os seus melhores amigos iam estar com ele e de facto ele acabou por verificar que tambem para ele nao ia ser a mesma coisa dos anos anteriores...

We're together and we like it!
Estamos juntos, e mesmo fixe!

OK, you are almost my height, time to let you do your stuff by yourself...
Bem, estas quase da minha altura: ja e tempo de fazeres as tuas obrigacoes por ti proprio...

Look what I have: a nice surprise from my teacher! I am loving all this...
Olha o que eu tenho: uma prenda surpresa da minha professora! Estou a adorar isto...

On the way back from school we usually "decompress" at the playground with some friends.
No caminho para casa geralmente relaxamos a brincar no parque com alguns amigos.

There was a long weekend and our family went to the Springs with some friends.
It was fun...
Num fim-de-semana mais comprido, a nossa familia juntamente com uma familia nossa amiga foi visitar umas nascentes de agua.
Foi divertido...
... and very pleasant!
...e muito agradavel!
Oh, the mornings are getting cold....
Uhoh, as manhas estao a ficar frias...