Saturday, February 16, 2008

Snow, gorgeous snow!

It was late in the evening, the children were ready to go to bed, after a few books with daddy, when they heard "look through the window, go to the window"!
It was snowing, large light flakes drifting down in the air! So beautiful! It was the most beautiful snow we had experienced. In no time my son was dressed and ready to go, my daughter was so excited that I had to help her out.

Ja era tarde, as criancas estavam prontas para ir dormir depois de alguns livros lidos com o pai, quando ouviram: "vao ver a janela, vejam la fora!" Estava a nevar, flocos grandes e leves
caiam pelo ar! Tao bonita! Foi a neve mais linda que ja alguma vez tinhamos visto. Num piscar de olhos o meu filho ficou pronto para ir para a rua. A minha filha estava tao entusiasmada que nem sabia o que fazer!

Next morning the snow was still there and the schools...were closed! Again my son was the first up and ready to go. Him and daddy were the first ones on the big slope with the sleds.

Na manha seguinte a neve ainda la estava e as escolas... estavam fechadas! O meu filho foi o primeiro a levantar-se e ficar pronto. Com o pai, foram os primeiros a escorregar com os trenos na encosta coberta de neve.

The Sun was rising...

O Sol estava a nascer...

And he was having a great time!!...
E ele a divertir-se a valer!!...

The Sun was up, a friend join him and the fun in the snow went on...
Com o Sol a brilhar, um amigo juntou-se-lhe na diversao da neve...

With a new pair of mittens (just sewn out of some spare fleece) my daughter was ready for the sled adventure.

Com um novo par de luvas (cosidas num instante, de um resto de pano quentinho) a minha filha tambem estava pronta para a aventura na neve.

Let's go mommy!
Vamos mae!

The Sun was bright, it was a beautiful day,
O Sol estava brilhante, um dia luminoso,

it was
Valentine's day...
dia dos namorados...


Carmen said...

What a beautiful day! what a beautiful post! and how happy they look!

Gisele Schoene said...

Quanta neve! Quanto divertimento!