Friday, January 4, 2008

From the heart

Yesterday, the 3rd January, my father-in-law was submitted to surgery due to a growing tumor in the base of the brain. The procedure was obviously delicate and we were very apprehensive. Finally, after almost five hours, we obtained notice that the surgery was over and he was recovering in the neurosurgery ICU (Intensive care Unit).
Our very best wishes, from the heart, for a smooth and
total recovery.
Ontem, 3 de Janeiro, o meu sogro deu entrada no hospital para ser operado e resolver o problema de um tumor em crescimento na base do cerebro. A ansiedade na familia foi crescente a medida que a data se aproximava e depois a propria operacao decorria. Felizmente ao fim de cinco horas na sala de operacoes, noticias chegaram de que a operacao tinha decorrido quase sem complicacoes e que ele estava em recuperacao nos cuidados intensivos de neurocirurgia.
Os nossos sinceros votos, do fundo do coracao, para uma completa e rapida recuperacao.


Carmen said...

Soon he will be enjoying playing with his grandchildren like that again!
I am glad it is over and he is on his way to recovery! best wishes!

Gisele Schoene said...

Tudo de bom para o avo do Rui e da Christina. Que ele se recupere logo logo!