Thursday, January 17, 2008

First snow!

It happened! It snowed last night!
My son jumped out from bed and all he wanted was to go outside and play in the snow. I barely was able to make him wear some warm clothes and boots. My daughter mumbled she wanted to see the snow and kept on dreaming... until she heard all the commotion outside:
her brother and mom, by her window!
Aconteceu! Nevou na noite passada!
O meu filho saltou da cama pronto para ir brincar la para fora na neve. Quase que nao conseguia faze-lo vestir roupa quente e calcar umas botas. A minha filha respondeu num sussurro que queria ir ver a neve mas continuou a sonhar... ate que ouviu o barulho que o irmao e a mae faziam ao pe da sua janela!

Does not matter it was still dark, the snow was there to be enjoyed!
O que interessa que ainda esteja escuro, a neve esta ali para ser apreciada!

Little sister join in the fun at full speed:
A irma juntou-se a nos com toda a sua vivacidade:

The snow was not enough for a big snowman, but still good for throwing.
The kids were absolutelly thrilled, this was their first snow.
A neve nao era suficiente para construir um boneco de neve, mas dava para atirar.
Os miudos estavam encantados, esta foi a primeira vez que estiveram na neve.

To warm up, the fireplace looks beautiful, but the hot air vent feels great!...
Para aquecer, a lareira e muito bonita, mas as saidas do ar do aquecimento da casa sabem mesmo bem...

Christmas card
Postal de Natal

1 comment:

Gisele Schoene said...

It looks like everybody had a lot of fun playing with snow! We were supposed to get snow too but we only got rain...