Thursday, May 22, 2008


Remember this pile of tiny pieces of fabric?
Lembram-se do monte de pequenos "trapinhos"?

Well, I have been solving the puzzle, and it is getting in shape.
Bom, eu tenho andado de volta do "puzzle" e esta a tomar forma.

I am stuck because I would like to give it some movement with the quilting and I am not sure how am I going to do it.
Mas quero dar-lhe movimento com o acolchoado e ainda nao sei como fazer.

I have painted my son's room. The room had a dark brown color and I really didn't like it. It looks a lot more cheerful with the new colors: safron (orange) and almond.
Pintei o quarto do meu filho. O quarto tinha uma cor castanha escura e eu nao gostava. Agora esta mais alegre, cor-de-laranja (acafrao) e amendoa.

I decided to give some color to the furniture too. That will come in later posts.
Decidi pintar algumas pequenas pecas de mobilia. Mostrarei num proximo "post".

This one was a quick project:
Este foi um pequeno projecto:

no sewing here, kid's school glue, a piece of board paper and a piece of fabric.
sem costuras: cola da escola, um pedaco de cartolina e outro de pano.

These little "towels" and napkins are in the Green profile that I try to get in place and improve every day. I stopped buying and using paper napkins and dramatically reduced the use of paper towels. The cloth ones are washed with our clothes.
Estas toalhinhas e guardanapos estao no perfil "Verde" que nos queremos prosseguir e melhorar em cada dia. Eu ja nao compro guardanapos de papel e reduzi significantemente o uso de toalhas de papel. As de pano sao lavadas com o resto da roupa.

These are the bags and baskets I use for groceries: two beautiful baskets weaved in Portugal (I love them) and the cloth bags from my husband's meetings. I don't mind the "logos": They might not be pretty but I am not using plastic bags anymore.
estes sao os cestos e sacos que uso para ir as compras: dois lindos cestos artesanato de portugal (adoro-os!) e os sacos de pano que das conferencias do meu marido. Eu nao me importo com os "logos": podem nao ser bonitos mas a verdade e que eu deixei de usar sacos de plastico.


Gisele Schoene said...

Voce tem estado mesmo ocupada! O quilt e' super lindo e me parece com ondas do mar. E o quarto do seu filho ficou muito alegre pintado de laranja. Incrivel o que um pouquinho de cor pode fazer.
Essa ideia dos guardanapos eu preciso adotar...

Pilar said...

Oh!!! Clara beautiful things! The quilt is wonderful and you made a hard work!. The room look warm, I hope that the kids are good now.

Carmen said...

Hi Clara!
You have been super productive lately! That quilt is so perfect! I would love it see it up close, I'm sure it would blow me away. I also love cheerful colors and I think for kids is the best, I'm sure Rui is happy. And the little magazine organizer is so cute! There are many simple projects like that easy to make with just simple materials. I am too trying to use fabric bags to do groceries, I'm not very consistent yet,but I'll do my best to improve!

Claudia said...

Look how many pretty things you've done! What a great quilt you made with the tiny pieces of fabric, and Rui's room seems to be changing as the same time he is growing in a very nice and original way. Everybody looks so confortable there reading and enjoying a family moment.
As you and Carmen I'm in with the recyclabe bags (napkins made by cloth is a very good idea too).
