Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer memories

School has started!
But before the school news I want to share some of our memories from Summer:
A escola ja comecou!
Antes de falar da escola vou partilhar algumas das nossas memorias de Verao:
At the farm, we ate some delicious plums and oranges and helped water the cantaloupes and pumpkins.

Na quinta dos avos comemos umas ameixas e laranjas deliciosas e ajudamos a regar os meloes e as aboboras.

In town, enjoying the carroussels.
Na cidade os miudos divertiram-se nos carrosseis e carrinhos de choque.

A great day at the spring's sandy beach, which included a picnic under the trees.
Passamos um dia excelente no parque das nascentes de agua, incluindo um piquenique a sombra das arvores.

A Lego afternoon shared between the cousins.
Uma tarde de Legos com o primo.

Algarve: the beach...
Algarve: a praia...

and the (cold) showers at the campground (there are hot water showers, but they're not any fun...).
e os chuveiros de agua fria no Parque de campismo (ha chuveiros de agua quente, mas estes e que sao divertidos).

On my birthday, with my parents.
No meu dia de aniversario, com os meus pais.

A visit to the "Salinas" (where salt is extracted from salt water).
Fomos visitar as salinas.

...and a boat trip, on the replicate of the boat that used to carry the salt across the river.
...e demos um passeio de barco, uma replica do batel que dantes transportava o sal no rio.

Tarzan in training...
Tarzan em treino...

Groups of folklore celebrating almost everywhere!
Grupos de folclore viam-se com frequencia.

My very, very, very good friends.
As minhas grandes amigas.

My biologist explorer and climber...
O meu biologo, explorador e trepador...

and my mischievous...
e a minha marota...
(did you guess what's about to happen?... the water is really cold!).
(ja adivinharam o que esta para acontecer?... a agua esta mesmo fria!).

Another beach, more fun!
Outra praia, mais brincadeira!

Want a ride?
Querem uma boleia?

or maybe you'd like to be rocked? Who would say that beach towels could be so much fun?
ou talvez prefira andar de baloico? Quem disse que toalhas de praia nao sao divertidas?

After a morning at the beach we went to the mountains for a picnic.
Depois de uma manha na praia demos um salto ate a Serra para fazer um piquenique.

We'll be back next year, we had a great time!
Ate a proxima, tivemos umas ferias a valer!

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Wow, it looks like you had a wonderful time there! It's great that you get to do that during the summers, I am sure the children loved the trip!