Friday, February 27, 2009

To my grandmother

my grandmother just passed away. Her life had become a torture, slowly sipping away, with pain, dependence, difficulty to comunicate as she barely could talk.
Her mind was sharp, she knew there was no hope. Her passing away was probably a blessing for her, all she could expect was each time more pain until the end.

Still, the emptiness with her leaving. I wish I could just hug her and let go, but we know we can never let go.

a minha avo faleceu. A sua vida aos poucos foi-se tornando numa tortura, com as dores, dependencia, dificuldade de comunicar pois quase nao conseguia falar. Extremamente lucida, sabia que nao havia esperanca de melhoras. O seu final veio provavelmente como uma dadiva, uma libertacao.

Mesmo com todo o raciocinio, o vazio e a tristeza com a sua partida. Eu gostaria de poder abraca-la e deixa-la ir, mas todos sabemos que e impossivel somente deixar partir.


Gisele Schoene said...

Clara, sinto muito em saber do falecimento da sua avo'.

Carmen said...

I am so sorry to hear the news. You are so fortunate to have enjoyed living close to her for so long, and the memories you shared will always be with you. A big kiss from us!

Jen B said...

Clara, I am so sorry to hear this news. She sounds like such a special woman, and I know you loved her very much.