Thursday, November 29, 2007

My grandmother's quilt

I decided that my first post should be about the quilt I created two weeks ago, for my grandmother, which also inspired the name of my blog.
Eu decidi escrever na minha primeira publicacao deste blog sobre a colcha (quilt) que fiz para a minha avo ha duas semanas, o qual tambem serviu the inspiracao para o nome do blog.

I made the top of this quilt in one day, while the kids went with daddy to see the grandparents. I was inspired by the quilts in the book Kaffe Fasset's "quilts in the sun",... but was not sure about the fabrics to use.
Fiz a parte de cima num so dia, enquanto os meus filhos tinham ido a casa dos avos com o pai. A composicao foi inspirada pelos quilts do livro de Kaffe Fasset "quilts in the sun",... do que eu nao estava certa era de que tecidos usar!

I wanted oranges, yellows and warm earth colors but.... So I went to my stash and started combining. I wanted something that warmed my grandmother in the cold winter days, literally and visually.
Eu queria a colcha em tons de laranja, amarelo e outras cores quentes, mas..... Entao, fui a minha "coleccao" e comecei a combinar. Eu queria uma colcha que aquecesse o corpo e a alma da minha avo.

My grandmother used to be a tailor. She has sewn many clothes, for me and for the rest of the family. The blue fabric in the above square is a leftover from a dress she made for herself and which she gave to me when she learned about my new hobby.
A minha avo era alfaiate, coseu muitas roupas para mim e para toda a familia. O tecido azul no quadrado acima e um resto de um vestido que tinha feito para si propria e o qual me deu quando (muito espantada) soube que eu gostava de costurar nos "tempos livres".

I sent the quilt some days ago and really really hope it gets to her hands, and soon!
Enviei a colcha ha alguns dias e estou ansiosa para que ele chegue as suas maos.